10 Tips to win more Clan Vs Clan competitions in Vikings:War of Clans

Hello and welcome to another Vikings:War of Clans guide!

Today we will be looking at what you can do to improve your contribution to your clan's total points during the Clan versus Clan competition.

Before we start talking about what you can actually do to get more overall points in each Clan versus Clan Competition, let us first make sure we understand the rules of this particular competition and how exactly we can get points in it:

Clan versus Clan is a global competition between two clans of similar total influence from different kingdoms.

This means in theory that you are evenly matched in terms of influence but that is pretty much it as far as matchmaking goes.

In Clan vs Clan , you can earn points by : Yielding Resources, Attacking Invaders, Attacking Ghosts, Training Warriors , Healing Warriors , Resurrecting Wariors,Killing Warriors, Building or upgrading buildings, Learning new knowledge in the Oracle, Transforming any kind of resources in your clan Stronghold, Constructing buildings in your clan Stronghold or Learning new Knowledge in your clan Stronghold.

A few of the activities in the above list have their points doubled if you do them in the enemy clan's kingdom.

Here are 10 Tips to help you win more Clan Vs Clan in Vikings:War of Clans:

TIP #1: Use Tier 1 troops to yield resources.

Because of the increased point reward on higher tiers , it is preferable that you only yield using tier 1 troops. They are cheap , they give few points to enemy if killed and you can easily replace them.

TIP#2: CvC starts the moment you see your oponent.

Even if you can not earn points yet, the moment you learn what clan is your opposing clan , the competition has started. You can start planning by checking the enemy's position , influence , troop kills , number of won and lost fights, stronghold level.

TIP#3: You can time activities to end after CvC starts.

This is more of a trick than a tip but many people do it so you should too.

Time a big building upgrade , a big knowledge upgrade, highest tier of warriors you can train , use boosters to the point where they would end a few minutes after the competition starts and that will give you a head start.

You can also time a few Silver Yields to end right after the competition starts but this only works if you are in a Kingdom where people are not constantly attacking eachother.

TIP#4: Prepare your Stronghold.

Send resources to the Stronghold before the competition starts , not during the competition so you do not waste time you could be spending earning points.

Just like you did with your town, you can do with your Clan's Stronghold : time all 5 resource transformation , buildings , knowledge to end after the competition starts.

If you have sent enough resources, you can start another set of transformations and buildings to end right before the competition ends and use those points to surprise your enemies.

TIP#5: Have your clan spread out.

This should go without saying.Your clan should spread out in enemy kingdom in high level areas (5-6) so the enemy has a harder time finding their yield spots and attacking them.

TIP#6: Only enemy clan's troops count as kills.

I have seen this over and over again. People attacking everything they can in enemy kingdom thinking they get points for it and they could not be more wrong about this.

If you want to attack tiles , only attack the enemy clan's tiles because you will gain points by killing their troops and you will stop them from gaining points from the yield in progress.

TIP#7: Always check POP.

If your enemy clan has control over the place of power in their kingdom, you can attack it and destroy alot of troops for points.

TIP#8: Do not get greedy with your yields.

If you are like me and you like yielding resources for points, never send too many troops in one spot unless you are laying a trap for an active enemy clan tile hitter.

Also never forget you are in enemy territory and some other clan might decide they do not like your face or name and attack you out of the blue.

A march that ends with a successful yielding will always be worth more points than a march that ends up being slaughtered.

TIP#9 Multiple Shamans? GREAT!

If you have multiple shamans , you can swap them around in the day before CvC starts to allow them to regain their energy.

Then after CvC has started, hop in enemy kingdom and you can use their combined energy to destroy more ghosts therefore earning more points for your clan.

TIP#10 Never give up.

So far my clan lost 2 CvC in which our oponent won in the last 30 minutes of the competition by training high level troops with boosts.

The lesson we have learned from that is to never give up, it is never too late to turn around a CvC

Hope you learned something new from our list of tips and tricks today , if you enjoyed it don't forget to share it with your friends , follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our blog.
